Heart Disease
Hope Made Possible by You
Your donations make a difference by helping us support the prevention of heart disease in our community and provide rehabilitation for patients who have suffered heart attacks or other crises.
On behalf of the Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System, we thank you!
Please complete your secure donation below. Have questions or need help? Call 864-560-6727 or email [email protected].
Community CPR Fund
The Community CPR Fund raises money for community-wide CPR training and events through the Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System education department.
Congestive Heart Failure Program Fund
The Congestive Heart Failure Program Fund provides medications, equipment and transportation fees for heart failure patients in financial need.
David Ike Fund
The David Ike Fund supports patients in cardiac rehabilitation. The fund honors the work of Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System cardiologist David Ike.
Harrison Chapman Fund
The Harrison Chapman Fund provides funding for low-income patients to take part in cardiac rehabilitation at Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System. The fund was created by the children of Harrison Chapman, whose life exemplified community service and philanthropy in the Spartanburg community.
Heart Services Fund
The Heart Services Fund supports programs that promote heart health in the community as well as technology and equipment upgrades that benefit patients at the Spartanburg Regional Heart Center.
Joe E. Utley Heart Resource Center Fund
The Joe E. Utley Heart Resource Center Fund supports educational outreach and other resources to promote heart wellness in the community. Utley was a cardiologist at Spartanburg Regional from 1983 to 1995 and passed away in 2001. He was respected nationally as a surgeon, researcher and educator.
Stroke Fund
The Stroke Fund promotes awareness and primary prevention of strokes. This includes community outreach and education as well as support for Emergency Center nursing staff to perform stroke assessments on patients.