Mobile Mammography

Traveling to and from appointments can be a challenge for women in remote communities, especially when it comes to getting a mammogram. Lack of adequate transportation, even for those who live relatively close to a site, can be a barrier.
While there are eight Bearden-Josey Center for Breast Health locations across the Upstate, a strong mobile mammography program is an essential resource. Mobile mammography programs transport equipment to sites throughout the community so women can easily gain access to screenings in a location convenient to them.
Donors to the Spartanburg Regional Foundation have helped add a second mobile mammography unit, allowing the Bearden-Josey team to expand screening services for women in need. The two units reach out to women who may not have access to care because they lack time, transportation, insurance or awareness. Both units conduct on-site screenings at churches, businesses, health fairs, community centers and other locations.
A generous $250,000 matching gift provided momentum for this campaign in the fight against breast cancer.
There is still an opportunity to support the Bearden-Josey Center for Breast Health mobile mammography program. Donations pay for maintenance, fuel and other ongoing costs. Your gift will help to expand services to women in need and save lives in the Upstate.